So many of my high school buddies went on to do EXACTLY what they said they were going to do at our graduation. Me? I, uh, did a few things - not following through with anything to a huge success.
It's true, I had some lofty ideas that don't really come to fruition for a lot of people, but come on!! As I sat there pondering (well, I was dancing and drinking domestic beer, actually, but I was pondering while I did it) on the success of my friends, I realized I dabble too much. I'm like my daughter in the toy aisle - "Oooh, this looks fun! But this looks better....hmmmm....what about this?" I'm not going to do this anymore and you are my witnesses! Remind me when I get off track that I need to focus, please.

(Also, my rental car was a Ford Focus, so maybe something subliminal was going on, as well. Maybe the Universe is trying to tell me something.)
I figure as long as I'm happy I've succeed. I was much happier in Santa Rosa, but I'm not unhappy here in Yreka... I'm catchin' what your throwin', but also think you could be a little too hard on yourself if you dwell(dabble) on THIS too much.