Kevin Carroll believes that the world can be changed through sport and play, because his own world was. You can read his blog or his books and understand how and why. His presentation was sad and funny and very thought-provoking. He insists that we cannot marginalize play. Coming from a background of abandonment and dispair, this man eventually learned many languages, worked for the NBA and Nike, and published multiple books - and he credits his amazing life to one red ball.
I have a five year old daughter - the great love of my life - and it always amazes me that wherever we go she can make people laugh and smile. Like most children, she will instantly make friends with other kids on the playground, never worrying about their jobs or their financial situations (she doesn't even worry about asking names!).
Kevin wants us, the grownups, to remember that optimism and use it again.
He has seven simple steps he teaches:

- Commit to it - what are you willing to do?
- Seek out encouragers - success needs a team!
- Work out your creative muscle - do something new everyday.
- Prepare to shine - you must work at the process, invest in the outcome.
- Speak up - let people know what you want & need
- Expect the unexpected - look for it, be open to it.
- Maximize the day - there are 86, 400 seconds available every day, what are you doing with them?
I just decided to use some of my seconds to encourage you to be better today. Go play. Go create.
To quote Lewis Pugh: "Ordinary won't change the world."
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