It's been an amazing year and there are still a few weeks left. With Thanksgiving tomorrow, I thought I would share that for which I am most grateful:
Initially, I had this intention to do something beyond my comfort level every month until I turn 40 in April. That sort of changed when I left my husband. Not to say things didn't continue to push me, they were just unexpected things, and I needed to regroup. He and I are figuring out how to co-parent our gifted daughter. We'll get there. It's hard for me to relenquish control because I worry based on our past. It's hard for him to get past his anger that things changed, and I caused that, though he admits that he wanted to leave as well. Somehow, we'll make it work so she has two whole parents. I'm grateful that she is healthy and resilient. I'm grateful that he & I are making our way through this. Eventually, I hope to write that I'm grateful it's routine and normal...
That wasn't the biggest change of the year, either. To some friends' astonishment and others' pleasant surprise, I jumped head first into a new relationship. We were already friends; the progression has been easy and natural. I'm happy. He's an amazing man and my best friend. I'm grateful to have him in my life. I'm grateful that his son and my daughter have created their own special friendship. I'm grateful I get this wonderful new life with them.
Before ANY of that, I opened a salon with a friend. We've had our share of growing pains. I'm grateful we have a strong enough relationship to work through some yucky stuff. I'm grateful I get this amazing place to work. I'm grateful to all of my clients/friends for their loyalty.
I'm grateful I spent the year writing professionally. I'm grateful I get to do a radio show - 600 Pounds of Ugly - with some of the wackiest guys around. I'm grateful I get to be close to the people at a.l.p.h.a. and the women at City Light - they inspire me daily to be better. I'm grateful for the friendships I have with the most fantastic people who lead interesting lives and who choose to include me in those interesting lives.
I'm grateful. Period.